Rowan’s Law

Hockey Northwestern Ontario has been working with Hockey Canada on the implementation of Rowan’s Law since the adoption of the Rowan’s Law Concussion Safety on March 7, 2018. HNO is in full support of the intent of Rowan’s Law to create awareness of concussions, change the culture on concussions, and provide safe sport participation.
As of July 1st, 2019, every Player, Team Official, and On-Ice Official (parent as well if the individual is under 18) must review the HNO Concussion Code of Conduct and the appropriate Concussion Awareness Resources prior to registering/participating in HNO.
The Concussion Awareness Resources are available below in the respective age category:
Rowan's Law Booklet Ages 10 and under
Rowan's Law Booklet
Ages 11 to 14
Rowan's Law Booklet Ages 15 and up
For more information on Rowans Law visit