To maintain one’s present level of certification, an individual must complete a full Hockey Canada officiating online course and including national examination every year with appropriate passing mark. An open book exam is not acceptable for re-certification purposes.
An individual will not be eligible to advance more than one level of the Hockey Canada officiating program per season, except for Levels I and II. Certification at the higher level cannot be granted until one year has passed.
If you fail to meet the requirement of a passing grade on your on-line officiating recertification exam, you will be able to re-write following a 48-hour waiting period after taking the original test.
When an official has not officiated for a season or more, the individual must complete the online Hockey Canada officiating course at the appropriate level and successfully complete a practical assessment.
When a Level VI official has not officiated for a season or more and wants to regain Level VI status, the individual must first obtain Level V status within the branch. The candidate may then apply to the Hockey Canada manager, officiating through his/her branch referee-In-chief for Level VI

Clinics Open August 2023